Evaluating Performance of Utilizing Onshore Wind Turbines Specifically the Farm Turbines in Kuwait


  • Mohammed Salem Alsubai'e Specialist Trainer (G), The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, University of Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, KUWAIT
  • Saad Abdullah Alshatti Specialist Trainer (G), The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, University of Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, KUWAIT


Renewable Energy
Wind Energy
Ras Jal Aliyah
Wind Turbines
Wind Speed


Renewable energy is considered one of the most important and clean sources; since it does not produce any type of emission or pollution. Wind energy in Kuwait is available in three prime locations – Ras Jal Aliyah, Bubian as well as Subiyah – while the characteristics are assessed depending on the data from the meteorological measurements. However, the characteristics of wind energy were evaluated from the meteorological data at 10m height. Additional studies were done to analyze the height effect on the wind density, wind speed, and the maximum value of energy density as well as concerned with the characteristic parameters. As a result of studying Jal Aliyah, it is found a relation between wind power and wind speed as the maximum magnitude of wind power is potential with the maximum speed of wind of 29.1 m/s, also the averaged value of the maximum wind power flux of 725.54 W/m2.While the studies of Bubidan Island and Ras Subiyah were predominant and displayed the direction of the wind in the North-East quadrant with the most frequented speed are more than 10 m/s. Generally, Jal Aliyah showed higher polarized distribution in the north direction. Based on the results, the proper selection procedure and design of the wind turbines are suggested to the designers of wind paper.


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How to Cite

Alsubai'e, M. S., & Alshatti, S. A. (2020). Evaluating Performance of Utilizing Onshore Wind Turbines Specifically the Farm Turbines in Kuwait. Asian Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 9(1), 109-126. https://doi.org/10.18034/ajase.v9i1.34


