Validity and Reproducibility of Typhoon Damage Estimates using Satellite Maps and Images
The use of satellite maps and images in rapid assessments offers many advantages, but questions on validity, and reproducibility of data obtained is always a concern. This study usedsatellite maps and images to quickly assess the level of damage, the number of affected households, the number of affected individuals, and the status of roads and bridges after Typhoon Haiyan hit Tacloban City in November 8, 2013. Cohen’s Kappa and Intraclass Correlations (ICC) were used to determine validity and reproducibility of visual damage assessment data derived from pre and post satellite maps. Findings suggest that the use of satellite maps and imagery is valid and reproducible; but for estimates on affected households and individuals, results are poor to moderate suggesting that assessors for this parameter should have a background, training, and experience on visual rapid assessments to yield better results. This method offers many advantages, but it also has many limitations. This study presents the processes employed in visual data interpretation using satellite maps and images; recommendations for improvements are also presented. The use of satellite maps and images may be employed in situations requiring quick data that are vital in creating an effective, and informed emergency response after a natural disaster, thereby, making delivery of intervention, relief, and services to the affected public faster and more efficient.
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